Getting Started with SYCL
Create your own SYCL website
Click the picture on the right and look at the link shown yellow, then press the ← button at top left of your browser to return here. To create an account for your first website, you will need to give a user-name and email address, then a culture (country & preferred language) & title of an organisation.
When you are ready to create an account, or login at any time, please click
Your email will be sent an invitation to login and create a password. You will need a credit or debit card to make the payment of €99 on the secure payment site Paypal for your first SYCL website.
You can obtain more information on SYCL with example sites, visit our Training Page, access and download our Tutorial, or find Hints and Tips for experienced users. You can also come here to log in whenever you wish to access your site in future.
SYCL Translators met in Vienna in June 2015 to plan ways for the system to benefit communities.